Empowering Blak creatives to find their voice and celebrate their culture.

Operating Out Of Bundjalung Country

A film set by the river with a camera and a boom mic. A speedboat on bright blue water. 4 young adults walking down a beach at sunset.

Founded in 2021 by award-winning filmmaker Jahvis Loveday and creative visionary Kiahma O’Donovan, Something Deadly is a First Nations production company with a mission: to celebrate, preserve, and amplify the rich culture and stories of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters from all across Australia. We serve as a cultural hub, nurturing emerging Blak creatives in finding their voices and expressing their cultural identity.

We began as a travelling production that created a 21-episode mini-series in far north Queensland. Since then, with the support of key partners like Regional Arts Australia and Screen Australia, we've blossomed into a creative powerhouse. The company now boasts a strong team of creatives spanning across the arts, including film, music, design, and cultural liaison. Our portfolio features award-winning projects like Djalbuyan Nahra, Bangay Lore, and Bama. These works aim to not only celebrate but also preserve the vibrant richness of First Nations culture.

Through our work we hope to empower the next generation of First Nations creatives, ensuring that their culture continues to find its way into the spotlight.

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