Baŋgay Lore



"Baŋgay Lore" is a compelling short film by up-and-coming Indigenous Australian filmmaker Jahvis Loveday, produced by Something Deadly. The title, meaning spear in the Dyirabal language of Far North QLD, explores how Indigenous Australian culture is perceived when performed on stage versus expressed in everyday society. This film highlights the unjust limitations placed on the expression of Indigenous culture. It follows the journey of a young Indigenous dancer as he struggles with the acceptance of his culture outside the theatre. "Baŋgay Lore" is a poignant reflection on the challenges faced by Indigenous Australians in maintaining cultural identity in contemporary society.


  • Director

    • Jahvis Loveday
  • Writers

    • Jahvis Loveday
  • DOP

    • Dylan Lalor
  • Music

    • Edan Ag Rom
  • Lead Cast

    • Jahvis Loveday


  • Flickerfest Bondi Best Australian Shorts - Special Mention Award (2023)

  • CineFestOz - Best Director Nomination