"Home" is a multi award-winning film by Indigenous Australian filmmaker Jahvis Loveday, produced by Something Deadly. It tells the story of a young woman confronting the paradox of nostalgia as she departs her small, unchanging hometown. What she once considered stifling becomes the very thing she longs for as she ventures into the unknown. "Home" explores the complex emotions of leaving home and the unexpected yearning for familiarity. It delves into themes of identity, change, and the bittersweet nature of nostalgia, resonating deeply with audiences and critics alike.
- Jahvis Loveday
- Joy Ben Hur
- Jahvis Loveday
- Alysse Burford
- Joy Ben Hur
Lead Cast
- Alysse Burford
The Very Short Film Festival - Jury Award
Take1 Youth Film Festival - Highly Commended Award