The Making Of Buni
"The Making of Buni" is an evocative documentary by up-and-coming Indigenous Australian filmmaker Jahvis Loveday, produced by Something Deadly. Jahvis, a member of the Djiru tribe from Far North Queensland, delves into the ancient practices and cultural significance of fire-making within his community. Accompanied by four community members, Jahvis embarks on a journey to the picturesque Koonyum Range to gather the specific sticks required for the age-old technique. Shifting the setting to the coast, they face the challenge of igniting fire using materials that have been a cornerstone of their heritage for millennia. "The Making of Buni" serves as both a tribute to tradition and an exploration of the deep cultural resonance of elemental practices in Indigenous Australian culture.
- Arts Northern Rivers
- Jahvis Loveday
- Dylan Lalor
- Edan Ag Rom
Lead Cast
- Lekiera Loveday
- Nikea Loveday
- River Walker
- Lorien Danger